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Ecosystem Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of the EcosySTEM project was organized by IDEA Universal from July 29 to 31, 2024, in Istanbul. International cooperation and knowledge exchange are essential for addressing environmental challenges in the Black Sea Basin. To this end, the

EcosySTEM Project brings together institutions from Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. Project partners contribute their expertise to share best practices and develop innovative solutions to environmental issues. The project, led by the International Development and

Environment Association (IDEA Universal) in Turkey, includes contributions from Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) in Greece, the Ukrainian Association of Business Support Centers (UABSC) in Ukraine, and the Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) in Bulgaria.

The EcosySTEM Project is being implemented within the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation

Programme, under the National Authority of the Directorate for EU Affairs, and aims to promote environmental sustainability through E-STEM education for children. Addressing the shared challenges of environmental degradation and the lack of environmental education in the Black Sea Basin, project details were presented to the public at a press conference in Istanbul, attended by partner organizations. The EcosySTEM Project seeks to develop innovative educational modules and establish training centers to increase environmental awareness among children and youth aged 8-11 and 12-15 within the Black Sea Basin. Through these efforts, the project will empower the younger generation to contribute actively to environmental sustainability and will make a constructive impact on addressing environmental issues in the Black Sea region.



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